Monday, August 31, 2009


Last week was a big week of firsts. So big I didn't have the chance to blog them. Luckily I did remember to capture them on film.

Kai's first day of Kindergarten:

First Daisy Scout Meeting:

I'm officially the mom of a Kindergartener & a Daisy Scout. How did my baby girl suddenly get so big?


Halie said...

Look at her in her cute little school uniform with her messenger bag!
Also, love the daisy scout uniform, too cute!

Nicole T. said...

She is looking so grown up! All of your kids are just so precious.

Katie said...

I'm so glad that it went well. We just signed Olivia up for Daisy Scouts too.
Very fun stuff!

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

I'm confused. Are you homeschooling or does she go to school?