Kai is starting to get serious about praying. She prays every night before bed and generally always before meals. She is so precious and serious when she talks to God. Here are some excerpts from her most recent prayers...
This first one was said with her volume turned up to 11 in a booth at Long John Silver’s. In fact, it was so funny (and LOUD) someone from a neighboring table came over to tell her how much he liked her prayer!
“Dear God-
Thank you for this food. Thank you for our family.
And, God, we never talk to strangers. Not ever. Because everyone knows it is a bad choice to talk to strangers. Talking to strangers is scary because you never know who a stranger is.
* I don’t know if she was reminding God or just confirming the info her parents told her in case He didn’t know whether or not she was aware of the rules. But, it was darn cute!
“Dear God-
I love you. Alot. Forever. And you love me.
Thank you for our family and food. Thank you for the sun and this land. Because this land is good.
Thank you for pumpkins and Halloween. This year I am going to be a fairy. And I hope Ivy will be a good goat for Halloween.
I promise I am going to be a good listener.
Thank you for Ms. Kum Kum’s birthday. I hope you will stay with me forever because I love you and you love me.
“Dear God-
Thank you for the Lord. And for this family. And for green eyes.”
*Dear God-
Thank you for the sun and the moon and the apple trees. And for apples. And for soap.”
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