Monday, November 19, 2007

The verdict is in: good...I think.

Okay, so the other night we made a family trip to our local Publix and the only “go-go cart” available was one of the special new TV carts. So, we forked over a buck and tried it out. Oh, new TV cart, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways:

1. Though they were entertained and not loud at all what little noise they did make was unheard because the cart was virtually sound-proof for us. The front of the cart is open, but the sound projects forward and not back to where the parents are standing.

2. The doors lock. Let me say that again, THE DOORS LOCK! That is an awesome, awesome thing! They lock in such a way as to make it impossible for the kids to unlock them on their own.

3. The obvious reason to love it, the TV. It plays Bob the Builder, Dora, or Barney depending on which cart you pick and it plays it the entire time you use the cart. It shuts off at check-out and the cart locks down five minutes after you pay for your groceries, but while you are in the store the TV keeps the kids entertained.

4. It worked. It really, really worked. We had a happy, peaceful visit to the grocery and no one left in tears...not even Thomas! : )

So, I guess I’ve decided that the pros of a happy trip to the grocery outweigh the cons of having a TV in a grocery cart. Not because it is okay to sedate our kids, but because it is good to have them happy while we drag them through the excruciatingly painful task of shopping in a busy supermarket. They are happy. We are happy. Fellow grocery shoppers are happy. How can something wrong feel so right?

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