Sunday, June 8, 2008

Officially the best birthday on the books

Here is a list of what I should have done this weekend:

Organize and clean my bedroom
Help Thomas build a chicken coop
Clean the carport
Clean the van
Laundry, laundry, & more laundry

Here is a list of what I actually did this weekend:

Hung out with my new BFF, Richard Blais, at his restaurant, Home.
Got a cool new Swallow tattoo
Slept in until 10 a.m. without having to bribe kids to leave me alone
Loaded up on cool homeschooling material at the Library book sale
Checked out the art and melted in the sun HighlandsFest before dinner @ Noche with our BFFs
Went grocery shopping in peace without pushing those horrible car carts
Found out that I really miss my girls when they aren't home
Was completely surprised by a birthday pool party at my parents' house

I didn't accomplish anything on my list, but it was an awesome weekend and I'm sure I'll find some time this week to get everything else done (yeah right!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh how much fun!! Happy BIrthday again!