Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What I never realized I pray for...

Last night at bedtime, Kai said an interesting prayer. Among her precious kid prayer requests, she mixed in the words, "God please be strong. And please God be powerful." I thought it was a pretty profound prayer for an almost 4-year-old because it occurred to me that this is something I pray for all the time.

When I am praying about something I am scared or worried about, I am really praying, "Please God be strong. Be powerful enough to take care of this." Though it occurs to me this is like praying for the sun to be bright, it is my underlying message nonetheless.

I am amazed at how often I ask for God's will in something and I am really praying for Him to be big enough to take care of the problem or issue at hand. The funny thing is when I heard her say those words I smiled in amusement because, I thought to myself, of course God is big and powerful! You don't have to ask Him to be that way. I guess now I just need to remember that the next time I'm in the middle of some big need...

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