Monday, December 10, 2007

Project Weight Loss: Day One

Since giving birth to my second child I have put on a significant amount of weight. I am saying this because I don't doubt you have noticed and by ignoring it I am making it into something bigger (pardon the pun) than it is. It does not have to be such a highly emotional and sensitive issue. It is what it is.

So, that said, I have decided to embark on a public weight loss crusade. I am going to use my blog to keep me accountable to this lifestyle change I am professing to make.

My Goal.

I am currently 1x6 pounds. (I'm using the x because I am not willing to make it that public just yet). My goal in the next month is to lose 10 pounds and weigh in at 1w6 pounds. (notice how I am going backward in the alphabet?) my goal is to get to 1v5 pounds. I will set a new goal then.

My Plan.

I am going to cut out all non-diet sodas. I know I should cut out all sodas, but come on guys, baby steps. I am going to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day. I am going to cut out all fast food. I am going to the gym at least 3 days a week. I am going to follow a low calorie diet and not consume more than 1500 calories a day.

That is my starting point. It isn't super hard-core, I know, but it is what I can commit to now. Hopefully, you'll see me 10 lbs lighter next month!

Wish me luck!!

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