Sunday, December 23, 2007

Six years

Due to the whole Christmas Eve factor in our anniversary, I know I won't get the chance to say this on our actual anniversary. I wanted to say it now so it doesn't get overlooked or forgotten by me.

I can't believe its been six years since Thomas and I eloped to Jamaica. I know that eloping on Christmas break to get married dead broke in a foreign country against your family's wishes in a $16 Goodwill suit and an irresponsibly & disproportionately expensive wedding dress is not exactly a recipe for a wonderful future, but somehow God worked it out according to His plan and we are blessed to have a wonderful life. Sometimes I wonder if I'd do things differently, and despite the fact that it was not the wedding I dreamed of as a little girl it was an incredibly special day and I wouldn't change it for anything.

Six years later, I love my husband more than I could ever imagine and I am blessed to share every day with my best friend in the world. I am thankful for the life we have made and for the special start we had. It was hard, but so worth it...

I love you, Thomas. Happy Anniversary!

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